donderdag 4 oktober 2012

Lille (a quick impression)

This week on monday and thuesday I went to Ypres and Lille on a schooltrip.
We learned a lot about history and I have seen a lot amazing things, shops and people.
In a few days I may upload some photos of things I bought and some  other stuff and stories on this trip.

vrijdag 28 september 2012


At Foam

Found this on a wall in a store, our friend Mai couldn't come
but this way she was still kinda there :) 

Some shirts

Last weekend I went to Amsterdam to visit the Foam museum after which we did some shopping around the town.
To make a long story short, it was amazing :)

maandag 30 april 2012

Meanwhile In London

Last week I went to London, where I visited the Damien Hirst exhibition at Tate Modern.
I didn't get to take actual pictures, but woah, this might have been the best exhibition I've ever seen. 

Damien Hirst - With Dead Head (1991)

zondag 8 april 2012

vrijdag 24 februari 2012

maandag 20 februari 2012

donderdag 16 februari 2012

Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey. An okay singer who makes a pretty good model.

Shot by Sean and Seng for Interview Magazine.
Gif by me.

L'eau de Chloé

Let us have a spring-summer feeling, by watching the stills and teaser of L'eau de Chloé.
Directed by Mario Sorrenti, starring Camille Rowe.